Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine gives you a toned and sculpted body. it uses high-frequency heat and sound waves that penetrate your skin to break down fat cells. This machine heats and vibrates the cells beneath the skins surface. Once the fat is released, it decomposes and is eliminated naturally by the liver through the lymphatic system.

Benefits: Fat Reduction, No Scarring, Stimulates Collagen Production, painless Procedure.

Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum Therapy detoxes the body. it is a manual technique applied by means of pulsing & suctioning the area. Vacuum Therapy stimulates the blood supply and preforms lymphatic drainage which increases collagen & elastin.

Benefits: Cellulite Reduction, improved Blood Circulation, Comfortable Procedure.

Radio Frequency

Radio Frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat the skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid productions, this reduces the appearance of find lines and loose skin.

Benefits: Fat Reduction, Precision, Skin Tightening, Quick Recovery, Minimal Bruising & Swelling.

Laser Lipo

This low-level laser helps the body absorb fat by stimulating its biological function. Excess fat is then removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system and excreted.

Benefits: Skin Tightening, Fat Reduction, Gradual & Natural-Looking Results, Collagen Production.